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Chungcheong Branch - March 2024 Monthly

작성자 정보

  • 전국민주일반노동조합 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


The Korea General League of Unions in the Chungcheong region held a meeting on March 17, 2024 for local area English teachers in Cheonan. At the Cheonan Minchon Humanities Library, Native English teachers met, had pizza, and discussed our possibilities for the future. A total of 13 teachers gathered together to make plans for the 2024 school year, as well as making plans to stand up for the human rights of school workers, students, and community members.
These days, the human rights of the citizens and residents in South Chungcheong is under attack. Laborers are dying at work. Workers are suffering severe racial, gender, and sexual harassment at work. Teachers have their pensions illegally withheld, wages unlawfully garnished, and severance pays illegally stolen. We gather to pressure the school and hagwon owners to uphold the basic labor laws created by the Parliament of the Republic of Korea and pressure those businesses who employ foreign workers to create a safe and equal workplace free from harassment and discrimination.
We will create a more equal Chungcheong for all of us.
The Chungcheong branch of the KLGU will attend the 10th Anniversary Memorial of the Sewol Disaster in Cheonan. If you are interested, please meet at 1:30 PM outside the Cheonan Shinsegye Department Store.
The next meeting will take place on April 21, 2024 at 2:00 PM. The Union will be volunteering at the Guryeong-dong Abandoned Dog Shelter. Please reach out if you are interested in attending.


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